Parole in Place

Frequently Asked Questions About the Program

Last month, we looked at parole in place (PIP), a program that gives military families an extra option for obtaining a green card. We went over eligibility and how to apply. This month, we are taking a look at four commonly asked questions related to the program.

  1. Who should not request parole in place?

First, being granted parole in place serves as documented evidence that you have been paroled. You can then adjust your status without returning to your home country. It has no bearing on any other immigration issues you may have. In other words, if you have been previously arrested or ignored an order of deportation, you will have to deal with these independently from parole in place.

  1. Can my other family members take advantage of parole in place?

Parole in place is limited to a U.S. citizen’s spouse, parents, and unmarried minor children under the age of 21. Extended family members are not eligible.

  1. Is parole in place granted to every eligible person who applies?

There are no guarantees for receiving parole in place. Every application is reviewed by the USCIS on a case-by-case basis. It is ultimately up to them to determine who is accepted and who is denied.

  1. On Form I-131, Application for Travel Document, under Part 2. Application Type, which box should I check to indicate I am applying for parole in place?

The American Immigration Lawyers Association suggests that applicants check off box 1.d., which states, “I am applying for an Advance Parole Document to allow me to return to the United States after temporary foreign travel.” Write “parole in place” in red ink next to the description. Then, under Part 4. Information About Your Proposed Travel, question 1.a. Purpose of Trip, write “parole in place (PIP)” again on this line. To answer Part 4 question 1.b. List the countries you intend to visit, write “N/A.”

As always, if you have questions about parole in place, give us a call. We are happy to answer your questions and guide you through the process.